A collaborative project that manifested from a colleague's simple iced coffee recipe. We created a set of recipes, using one or two ingredients, that can be prepared by using ingredients from the Carnegie Foundation's kitchens.
Backend: N/A
Frontend: Photoshop Illustrator
Skills: Graphic Design, Creative Writing
Date: December 2015
Carnegie's employees are graced with a multitude of free drinks and free food. As the days go on, this can turn from a blessing to a curse. There's only so many days that you can drink Vitamin Water Power-C before you get sick of it. Same goes for our coffee and tea. A number of us took to adding some jazz to our daily food and drink rituals. One day, my colleague Hai Hoang came downstairs with what looked like iced coffee. I asked how he made it. His reply: "Coffee and ice." Like it was that simple.
It was that simple. When I asked more of my colleagues for similar food and drink hacks, I got a lot more than iced coffee: tea with a lemon slice, "Farewell Cookies a-la-mode" (employees receive chocolate chip cookies on their last day at the Carnegie Foundation). My contribution was an Arnold Palmer: lemonade-flavored Vitamin Water combined with iced tea.
My colleague Kenneth Fernandez and I decided to make these into recipe cards, with a short description and a visual instruction guide. I wrote most of the descriptions, while Kenny handled the design and layout of the recipe cards. We distributed one recipe per week in our weekly internal newsletter.
Graphics, layout, and design done in Photoshop and Illustrator.
Kenny handled the design on this one, but the idea of having two ingredients as a maximum was a collaborative decision. As far as the descriptions, I decided to write flowery, dramatic text to juxtapose with the simplicity of the two-item recipes.